Record Book Information
Member Level Pins - Link to State Page To know which form to complete, contact the Extension Office
No Form is needed for Years of Membership Seals. However, members must complete the following:
- Personal Page
- 4-H Story
- Permanent Records Updated
- Attend at least half of Community Club Meetings
County Champion Application Process:
1. Complete Project Report Forms for all projects to be elligible for County Champion.
2. Copy the Project Report Forms from your Record Book that you would like to submitt for County Champion Judging.
3. Place copies in a folder (plastic or paper). Put your name and the name of the project on the outside of the folder.
4. Turn these in with your record book to the club leaders.
Juniors are 9 and under; Intermediates are 10-13; Seniors are 14 and over.
Record Book Requirements for a Completed Record Book
- Record Book MUST be complete to receive Achievement Pins, County Champions, or Officer's Book Awards.
- Personal Page - in MS Word
- 4-H Story
- Updated Permanent Records in MS Word (These should be added to each year, not started over)
- Project Report Forms for Each Project Enrolled in on May 1.
- If you did not complete a project, you must still complete the record sheet and list why you did not complete the project.
- Writing "did not complete" will not be considered complete.
- Include several sentences to explain what happened and what your goals were.
General Record Sheet & Animal Record Sheet
- At the November 2021 4-H Council meeting, it was voted to move to the forms that Kansas 4-H provides. These Project Report forms are available at
- 4-H Council also decided to move to 3 age groups for Record Book Judging. Please use the form for your age as of January 1.