Friends of 4-H

The following is a list of business firms or individuals who have received a plaque for "Friends of 4-H".

1961 - First National Bank

1962 - Ralph Dickey

1963 - Medicine Lodge Sales

1964 - Medicine Lodge Chamber of Commerce

1965 - O-K Co-op

1966 - Sawyer Co-op

1967 - Rusk Ranch

1968 - Farmers State Bank, Hardtner

1969 - Bank of Kiowa

1970 - Mr. & Mrs. Homer Jahay

1971 - Mr. & Mrs. Howard Gillig

1972 - Farmers Co-op, Hazelton

1973 - Hibbard's Rexall

1974 - Arthur Wiley - Barber County Savings & Loan

1975 - Farmers Co-op, Isabel - Jack & Jill Grocery - Lee Sternberger

1976 - Barber County Farm Bureau - Kiowa Sales Co.

1977 - Brooks & Spencer Dry Goods - Hill & Stuart

1978 - Elmer Angell, Jr. - Tri-K Equipment

1979 - Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stranathan - Dela Trotter

1980 - George Spicer - Greensburg Production Credit

1981 - Humphrey Implement & Hardware - Federal Land Bank Ass'n.

1982 - Triangle Livestock Co. & Auction Service - Barber County Cattlemen's Ass'n.

1983 - Strong's Appliance - Kiowa Feed Co

1984 - Bob Sterling - Barber County Cowbelles

1985 - Pratt Livestock - First State Bank

1986 - Shoson Equipment Co. - McNamar's LP, Medicine Lodge and Kiowa

1987 - Molz Oil Co. - Tom Bedwell

1988 - Strong's Insurance - Fox Trucking

1989 - Isabel State Bank - James Jahay Family

1990 - O-K Co-op - First National Bank - Farmers Co-op Equity, Isabel

1991 - Farmers State Bank, Hardtner - Kiowa Chamber of Commerce - Peoples Bank of Medicine Lodge - Medicine Lodge Chamber of Commerce

1992 - Barber Co. Index - Gyp Hills Premiere - The Kiowa News - Butch's Roustabout

1993 - Shirts & More - The Flower Lodge

1994 - Bill Duvall - Roger Robison - Farmers Co-op Equity

1995 - American National Bank - Barber Co. Highway Dept. - Clarke Corp.

1996 - Stan Cross - Susie Hensiek

1997 - Mark Boor- Kelly McNett - Elmer Angell

1998 - Dale Lonker-Express Ranches-Mike & Rosa Lee Mills

1999 - Ellen Ruiz - Elwood Township - Jeff Keller - First National Bank, ML

2000 - Kiowa Locker - Somewhere In Time - 1st National Bank, Harper

2001 - KanOkla Telephone - Total Construction, Hardtner

2002 - Farm Credit Services of South Central Kansas - Nila Swayze - Dorothy McNally

2003 - OK Co-op and Medicine Lodge Memorial Hospital

2004 - Sam Hartley & John Colborn - Jeff England

2005 - Dennis McKinney - Spicer Auction & Real Estate

2006 - Poland Angus - Frances Larkin

2007 - Terry Underwood - Rob Paxson (MRM)

2008 - Bill & Janet Smith - KanOkla - Roger Angell

2009 - In memory of Don Terwort - Hardtner United Methodist Church

2010 - Corona Hoch - Mark & Kim Nevil

2011 - Jim Jacobs Family & Lee Alan Sternberger

2012 - Jeff Baier & Kyle Jacobs

2013 - Sue Marshall & BC Cattlemen=s Assoc

2014 – In memory of Monty Williams & Ron & Kristi Molz

2015 – Bob Larson & Connie Rooks

2016 – O.K. Coop & Brent & Leysa Diel

2017 – Orscheln’s & First State Bank

2018 – Black Diamond Express & Austyn Graves

2019 – Barber County Farm Bureau - PrairieLand Partners

2020 - Anthony Coop & Redland Vet

2021 - May Precision Ag & Western Equipment

2022 - Nittler Farms & Terry Underwood

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