Kansas Junior Beef Producer Day
The 2022 Kansas Junior Beef Producer Day is scheduled for Saturday, March 5. We are excited to return to in-person programming for the KSU junior producer day events! Junior Beef Producer Day will be hosted in Weber Hall on the K-State campus in Manhattan. This event is a one-day educational opportunity for families to learn about the selection and management of their beef project. Youth, parents, extension agents, project leaders, and volunteers of all skill levels are invited to attend. Presentations will be provided by K-State faculty, staff, students, extension agents, and guest speakers. Topics range from selection, to nutrition, to reproduction, meat science, and showmanship.
The deadline to register is February 11. All attendees must register, including youth and adults. The cost is $15/person by February 11, or $20/person after the deadline. Only those registrations received by the deadline will receive a t-shirt. Visit http://bit.ly/ksujrproducerdays to register online and view the flyer, which includes the tentative schedule.
An optional instructor-led YQCA training and state livestock nomination process session will be held at the conclusion of the program for those interested.
K-State COVID-19 protocols in effect at the time of the event will be followed. Registration is non-refundable.