Upcoming Dates
December 1 - Returning 4-H Member Enrollment Deadline to show at Fair
December 2 - Fair Board Annual Meeting
December 21 - Deadline to sign up for 4-H Day with KSU Women's Basketball
January 23 - 4-H Day with KSU Women's Basketball
January 27 - Club Day Sign Up Due
January 28-30 - Horse Panorama
January 28-30 - Kansas 4-H Dog Leader Training & Re-certification
January 31 - County 4-H Scholarships Due
February 12 - Club Days starting around 9:00 A.M.
February 19 - YQCA
February 20-21 - Citizenship In Action
February 28 - 4-H Council Meeting
March 1 - Kansas 4-H Scholarship Applications Due
May 1 - New Members Enrollment Deadline to show at Fair
May 1 - Drop & Add Project Deadline for ALL Members
May 1 - Horse Papers Deadline
June 3-12 - Citizenship Washington Focus
July 28-31 - Barber County Fair
Citizenship In Action
Would you like to have more influence in laws and rules that affect your life? Then you’ll want to go to Kansas 4-H Citizenship in Action! This two day event is sponsored by the State 4-H Youth Leadership Council.
Citizenship Washington Focus
Road trip across the USA stopping to see Philadelphia, Gettysburg, the Liberty Bell and more! Meet, learn, share and tour with youth from other states and respected resource people.
Club Day 2022
Club Day is on February 12, at the South Barber High School starting at 9:00 A.M. for in person participation.
Tagging Information
Deadlines for Tagging County Fair Livestock Projects and Horse Papers.
Horse Panorama
Horse Panorama is a compilation of various contests related to the Horse Project. Contests include: quiz bowl, hippology, public speaking presentations, photography and educational posters. 4-H Members ages 9-18 and adult volunteers are welcome!
Kansas 4-H Dog Leader Training
The 2022 Kansas 4-H Dog Judges Training and Recertification will be held in Wichita at the Extension Center on January 28-30.
Barber County 4-H Scholarships
Forms are due online or hard copy by January 31.
Kansas 4-H Scholarships
Kansas 4-H is now accepting applications for numerous scholarships available to youth.
We will be having a Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) class on February 19, 2022 in Kiowa, KS. The class will begin at 9:00 am and conclude at 11:00 am.
Record Book Roundup
Monthly suggestions on steps to be taking with the new Project Report Forms to complete your Record Book.
All Club Reporter's Notes can be published in this section of the Online News. To be published, the notes should be sent to jsrucker@ksu.edu by the 20th of each month.