4-H Online Enrollment

4-H online enrollment for the 2021-2022 4-H year began on October 1, at 8:00 A.M. Returning members must re-enroll by December 1 to participate in the 2022 Barber County Fair and its’ activities. If you were enrolled last year, please do not re-create a new member, scroll to the bottom of the page and hit re-enroll.

If you try to duplicate a member, it causes quite a few headaches in our system. If you have forgotten your password to get in, you may request a link to be sent to your email to pick another password. If you have questions, please call the Extension Office at 620-886-3971. The web address to re-enroll or sign up new members is:


If your club is paying for your enrollment fee, hit “Group Enrollment” when it asks for payment method. New members please contact your club leaders or call the Extension Office.

Achievement Banquet

4-H Online Enrollment

Poland Livestock Judging Contest


Summer 4-H Camp

Reporter's Corner

Upcoming Dates