Kansas 4-H Policy Updated

Copied from the Policy Book

All 4-H related programs and activities should be supervised by at least two adult approved and screened volunteers (this practice is called two-deep supervision).

Providing a safe environment for youth is our greatest responsibility, any adult supervising youth at over-night 4-H sponsored events (locally, district, or statewide) must meet the following minimum criteria:

• Become a screened and board approved Kansas 4-H volunteer.

• Watch and/or attend the corresponding event chaperone/adult/volunteer training.

• At least two screened and board approved adult volunteers must be present at all times, and any additional screened and approved adult volunteers should be secured in accordance to the ratios listed below.

Event management may have additional specific requirements. Chaperones for overnight 4-H events must be at least 21 years of age.

The following is what Kansas 4-H Youth Development recommends for adult to child ratios for events.

Day Participants Overnight Participants

5-6 Year Old Participants 1:6

7-8 Year-Old Participants 1:8

9-14 Year-Old Participants 1:10

15-19 Year-Old Participants 1:12

What does this mean?

Project meetings lead by older 4-H members will need to be attended by 2 screened and board approved adults.

Project meetings lead by an adult will need one other adult screened and board approved adult.

More adults need to complete the 4-H online adult information. In the upcoming weeks, these will be reviewed for missing information. Typically this is done ealier in the 4-H year, but the conversion to 4-H Online 2.0 has pushed this back. You will be contacted if something is left incomplete.

This is intended as an protection for 4-H members and the adults volunteering their time. Please contact Justin or Robin if you have questions.

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Photography Events

Photography Judging Contest

Tagging Deadlines

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