Officers Training

This year, we have several counties coming together to offer online officers training. This will be through Zoom. On Sunday, October 25 at 4:00 P.M., we will gather on Zoom. An opening speaker will share a few of the ways 4-H is benefiting her today. Then we will move into breakout rooms for the officer training.

This means that each officer in a family will need to register and sign in on their own device. A county agent will be in each break-out room to help the presenter.

Officers included are

  • President/Vice President
  • Parliamentarians
  • Treasurer
  • Reporter
  • Secretary
  • Song Leader
  • Recreation Leader

Barber County is not in charge of the registration form development. Once it is available, an email will be sent out to families, the notice posted on Facebook and this article updated.


Links to all Articles

Enrolling in 4-H

48 Hours of 4-H

Officers Training

State Fair Results

Achievement Party