2022 State Livestock Nomination Information Released

Written by Lexie Hayes

The state livestock nomination process is transitioning to an online system this year! This will require families to plan ahead in order to successfully complete their nominations. Moving to an online system will streamline the process from nomination, to show entry, through participating in the state shows. The deadlines have not changed.

The new process includes four (4) primary steps:

1.) Purchasing Official DNA Envelopes in Advance through ShoWorks

2.) Submitting Animal & Exhibitor Information Online

3.) Mailing DNA Envelopes with Submission Receipt

4.) Extension Agents & FFA Advisors Approving Nominations Online

Families will need to purchase an official DNA envelope for each animal by the order deadline, which is one (1) week prior to the nomination deadline. This will be April 24 for market beef and June 8 for small livestock and commercial heifers. Old envelopes will not be accepted.

Exhibitors will be prompted to unload their family's 2022 Declaration Form and current YQCA certificate during the online submission process. A child's certificate needs to be good through 10/2/2022 to be valid.

Families are encouraged to send their nominations via certified mail. The deadlines have not changed. Market Beef nominations are due May 1. The Small Livestock and Commercial Heifer Deadline is June 15. These dates include submitting the information online through ShoWorks and postmarking the appropriate DNA sample(s). Late nominations will not be accepted.

Information and resources regarding the state livestock nominations process maybe found here: http://bit.ly/ksunomination. All families, regardless of experience level, are encouraged to read through the Rookie Guide and use the other resources available in 2022!

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