4-H Council September Minutes

4-H Council Minutes

September 27, 2021

The meeting of the Barber County 4H Council was called to order by acting President Jessica Jahay on September 27, 2021 at the First Assembly of God Church at 7pm. She then led us in saying the Flag Salute and the 4-H Pledge. Secretary, Rhyan Marshall, called roll and there were 5 clubs present. She then read the minutes from the previous meeting, which were approved as read. Acting treasurer Camryn Smith then gave the treasurer’s report.

In old business, acting President Jessica Jahay asked for comments about the Barber County Fair, but seeing none we moved on to discuss the upcoming achievement banquet. It will be held on November 13 at the Gyp Hills Guest Ranch as a cookie social. A committee consisting of Belle Burden, Rhyan Marshall, Jessica Jahay, Patricia Cargill, and Amanda Corr was established to decide on details concerning the cookies. The council also decided to pay for the purchased cookies. Belle Burden moved: Boyd Banks seconded. Motion passed. Continuing in old business, we discussed the record sheets and whether or not they should be kept or looked at and considered for change. A committee of Yvonne Burden, Deb Larkin, and Julie Jahay was set to look over these forms and make a decision moving forward. Acting President Jessica Jahay then opened the house for new business. Here we held the Election of Officers for the 2021-2022 year. The first office open was President. Both Jessica Jahay and Rhyan Marshall were nominated. After nominations ceased and a vote took place, Rhyan Marshall became the new council president. The next office was Vice President and Cort Blunk and Jessica Jahay were both nominated. Nominations ceased and Jessica Jahay was voted in as the new Vice President. Next, Camryn Smith and Belle Burden were both nominated for the position of Secretary. After nominations ceased and the vote was taken, Camryn Smith became the Secretary for the new year. The last position to fill was treasurer. Belle Burden and Cort Blunk were nominated. After nominations ceased and the vote was final, Cort Blunk took over as the new treasurer. After completing the Election of Officers, we moved on with New Business. Here we set a budget of $500 or less for the Officers Retreat. Belle Burden moved, Boyd Banks seconded. Motion passed. The next business on the agenda was looking over the standing rules. Everyone had a chance to look them over and it was agreed to keep them the same. Our last order of business was selecting the Friend of 4-H and the 4-H Alumni with presenters. After voting, the Friends of 4-H will be Western Equipment, presented by Belle Burden, and May Precision Ag, presented by Cort Blunk. The Alumni award will go to Slater Blick, presented by a Stateline member, and Madie Marshall, presented by Rhyan Marshall.

With no further business, Jessica Jahay read the announcements. The next council meeting will be November 13, following the achievement banquet. Jessica Jahay then asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Rhyan Marshall moved, Belle Burden seconded it. Motion passed, meeting adjourned.

Submitted by Rhyan Marshall, Secretary

Council Minutes

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