Upcoming Dates

November 13 - 4-H Achievement Banquet @ Gyp Hills Guest Ranch

November 13 - 4-H Council Meeting

December 1 - Returning 4-H Member Enrollment Deadline to show at Fair

December 2 - Fair Board Annual Meeting

January 31 - County 4-H Scholarships Due

February 12 - Club Days starting around 9:00 A.M.

February 28 - 4-H Council Meeting

May 1 - New Members Enrollment Deadline to show at Fair

May 1 - Drop & Add Project Deadline for ALL Members

May 1 - Horse Papers Deadline

July 28-31 - Barber County Fair

4-H Council September Minutes

4-H Council Minutes

September 27, 2021

The meeting of the Barber County 4H Council was called to order by . . .

4-H Council Meeting

The next 4-H Council Meeting is on Saturday, November 13, 2021, following Achievement Banquet. Discussion about a Fundraiser and Club Days will be on the agenda. Council Officers should bring their calendars to look for a date to hold the Retreat.

4-H Achievement Banquet - Celebrating Traditions

Check back for this article after November 17th. We will have a list of awardees and photos available.

Returning Members Deadline - December 1

Returning members must enroll by December 1 through 4-H online https://v2.4honline.com/

New 4-H Members

New 4-H Members can join at anytime during the year. This is a state policy, we must abide by.

However, for New 4-H Members to be able to show in the 4-H Department at the County Fair, they must enroll by May 1.

Leaders Need to Enroll with 4-H Online

We need ALL Leaders to update their 4-H Online Accounts. This includes project leaders and community club leaders.

Coupon Codes

For Clubs still needing to purchase coupon codes, here is the link to the online form. Print copies were handed out at the September 4-H Council Meeting.

Rock Springs Camp

Kansas 4-H has been camping at beautiful Rock Springs Ranch for over 75 years! We are proud of our long legacy as being the premier summer camp for Kansas youth and for creating opportunities for outdoor adventure, lifelong friendships and leadership development.

Please refer to this helpful resource that gives an overview of 4-H Camp at Rock Springs Ranch in 2022, including Frequently Answered Questions.

Rock Springs Camp Logo

Reporter's Corner

All Club Reporter's Notes can be published in this section of the Online News. To be published, the notes should be sent to jsrucker@ksu.edu by the 20th of each month.

Council Minutes

Council Meeting

Achievement Celebration

Returning Members

New Members

Leaders Update 4-H Online

Coupon Codes

Summer Camp

Reporter's Corner

Upcoming Dates