Club Day Results


Last minute prepOn February 18 was the Barber County Club Day. 84 pre-entries were made. Unfortunately, illness kept an unusually high number from attending. We look forward to the participation increasing next year.


Full Club Day Results are listed on the PDF Link at the top of this page. Those receiving a Top Blue are eligible to attend Regional Club Day on March 18th in Medicine Lodge. 5 counties will be sending their Top Blues to compete with ours.

One last practice

Also at County Club Day, we held a Photography Judging Contest. Each participant judged 6 classes of photos. Intermediates and Seniors also did a problems class. For the Juniors, 300 points were possible. For the other ages, 350 points were possible. Results are listed below.

Photo Judging

Photo Judging Results


Champion - Jaxson Robertson (225)

Reserve Champion - Braylee Waggoner (216)

Blue - River Inman (210)

Red - Kynlee Rucker (203) & Hayden Hutson (182)


Champion - Madisyn Day (251)

Reserve Champion - Averie Hill (249)

Blue - Cara Whitaker (236), Chloe Whitaker (233), & Dyson Inman (231)

Red - Piper Rhodes (214), Paislee Hill (211), Boyd Banks (209), & Travis Pelzl (175)


Champion - Isabella Burden (274)

Reserve Champion - Emily Pelzl (245)

Red - Vonda Landwehr (228), Fiona Walz (224), Jessica Jahay (203), Garen Cantrell (195), & Cort Blunk (180)


No Name on Page - 287

Deb Larkin - 262

Erica Hutson - 258

Jenny Cantrell - 230

Connie Rooks - 229

Deb Duvall - 219

Patricia Cargill - 219

Yvonne Burden - 210

4-H Day with the Lady Cats

Club Day Results

Camp 2023

Citizenship In Action

County Fair Tagging

Junior Swine Producers

Junior Meat Goat Producers

YQCA Training

State Photography Workshop

Host Families

Volunteer Training

Volunteer Week

Rock Springs Open House

Recordbook Roundup

Reporter's Corner

State 4-H Calendar

Upcoming Dates