Record Book Roundup

Record Book Roundup graphic

These forms are available online at

This is the time to check that you have enough General Project Forms and Animal Project Forms. Take the time right now to fill in the top 3 lines so you can keep track of each project on a seperate page. If you need more, please call the office we can mail them to you. We will be following the State Project Records. Market Beef and Breeding Beef should be put together under one Project Form for Beef. The same applies to Sheep, Goats and Swine. Care was taken when the books were filled to combine these projects when adding forms.

In February, we talked about goal setting. If you worked on this, you should be ready to fill in section 1. Remember the section numbers are the same for each age group. Only the number of lines and amount of space per line changes.

Section 2: Project Presentations & Communications. It would be great if you planned a communication about each of your projects. This includes project talks at Club Meetings, presentations at Club Day, presentations to other groups, news articles and social media posts or videos.

Space will be available in the Monthly News Updates for you to post about your project. Junior Project Leaders, what a great way to help younger members. You could make a video about the project to share online. Research tells us people often watch videos that are 3-12 minutes in length. What could you teach about a project in that time? Perhaps, you want to work with the members in your club in that project to do a group project talk to share online. The options are endless! Visit more with Robin and Justin if you want to know how some of these could be done.

Section 5 is Leadership.

Remember to keep the leadership related to your project. If you served on a committee to provide goodie baskets to elderly, this would count for the Foods Project but not in the Rabbit Project. On the other hand, if you helped plan to bring a petting zoo to a day care, that could count for each of the projects that you took. So it could be listed on a Rabbit Report Form and a Goat Report Form.

NOTE: If you were asked to bring your rabbits and goats by somebody else that planned it. You should only list it in section 3 (Learning Experiences) and section 6 (Citizenship) but not section 5 (Leadership).

ANIMAL PROJECTS: Look at Section 7 as you are purchasing your animals. Speaking from experience, write down those purchase prices now. It will make the finishing up at the end of the year so much easier.

Next Month will talk about Section 6 Citizenship. The difference between Leadership and Citizenship.

4-H Day with the Lady Cats

Club Day Results

Camp 2023

Citizenship In Action

County Fair Tagging

Junior Swine Producers

Junior Meat Goat Producers

YQCA Training

State Photography Workshop

Host Families

Volunteer Training

Volunteer Week

Rock Springs Open House

Recordbook Roundup

Reporter's Corner

State 4-H Calendar

Upcoming Dates