2022 State Fair Building Qualifiers

At the Barber County Fair, we have many classes that do not have a match at the Kansas State Fair. We do this to allow for project experiences.

For example, there is not a State Fair Class for Leadership or Citizenship Posters. In Plant Science, we allow house plants to be entered. The State Fair does not having a matching class.

In Arts & Crafts, at the State Fair, each county is allowed to bring 1 entry per class. That is a total of 5 entries. This year, the judge selected paintings as the Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion. For this reason, the Reserve Grand Champion is not able to be entered at the Kansas State Fair.

Below is a list of members that recieved a State Fair Blue in a class that is avaialble to them at the Kansas State Fair. Each exhibitor that delivers their entries to the Extension Office will recieve 2 gate admission tickets to the State Fair. This is in place of a premium for the ribbons earned.

Just a reminder, all builiding entries must be delivered to the Barber County Extension Office by September 6th. They will be entered in Hutchinson in the morning on September 7th. Judging will be completed by September 9th and items will be on display in Centenial Hall on the State Fair Grounds.

State Fair Qualifiers

State Fair Qualifiers

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State Fair Qualifiers

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