Upcoming Dates

September 6 Exhibits Due to Extension Office for State Fair

September 9-18 Kansas State Fair

September 26 4-H Council Meeting

September 26 Record Book Screening

October 1 First Day of 4-H Year

October 2 - 8 National 4-H Week

October 8 Officer Training, Medicine Lodge

October 8-9 48 Hours of 4-H

October 22 Regional 4-H Leadership Workshop

November 5 Achievement Banquet

December 1 Deadline for Returning Members to Join & Be Eligible to show at Barber County Fair

4-H Council Meeting

4-H Council will meet on September 26th at 7 PM at the Medicine Lodge Assembly of God Church. Come prepared to elect new 4-H Council Officers, select Friend of 4-H and 4-H Alumni for 2022 to honor at the Achievement Banquet and review any changes to the 4-H Standing Rules.

State Fair Qualifiers

Just a reminder, all builiding entries must be delivered to the Barber County Extension Office by September 6th. They will be entered in Hutchinson in the morning on September 7th.

Meats Judging Team

Congratualtions to the Meats Judging Team on their awards at the State Contest.

4-H Financial Summary Due

By State Law, the County Extension Council is responsible for appropriate management of all 4-H club funds. This mean that each year, the Extension Office needs to receive a Financial Summary from each club.

Regional 4-H Leadership Workshops

3 dates and locations are available to choose from. Robin is available to take a group on October 22 to Salina.

Thank You

The Barber County Fair is always an amazing experience. Thank you for the many ways you contributed to the sucess

2022 Premium Buyers, Added Money Sponsors & Floor Buyers

The Barber County Fair Board shared the following list of Premium Buyers, Added Money Sponsors and Floor Buyers.

Social Media

Facebook, YouTube, and Spotify, oh my!

New 4-H Year Coming Soon

Enrolling for the next 4-H year is just around the corner. Here are some reminders.

Register 48 Hours of 4-H Project Now

We hope every Extension Unit will join us this fall in seeing just how much we can give back to our communities! The weekend after National 4-H Week, is the perfect opportunity to setup a service project.

Leadership Weekend

Leadership Weekend will be November 19-20 at Rock Springs 4-H Ranch and consists of the Kansas Youth Leadership Forum and the Kansas Volunteer Leader Forum.

Record Book Roundup

Back by popular demand, how to do your book in 10 days.

All Club Reporter's Notes can be published in this section of the Online News. To be published, the notes should be sent to reubank@ksu.edu by the 20th of each month.

4-H Council Meeting

State Fair Qualifiers

Meats Judging

4-H Financial Summary

Thank You

Fair Sale & Added Money Donors

Social Media


48 Hours of 4-H

Leadership Weekend

Regional Leadership Workshops

Recordbook Roundup

Reporter's Corner

Upcoming Dates