Officer Training

October 8th Officer Training was held in Medicine Lodge.

Pasta for Pantries donations

Members participated in the Pasta for Pantres. Over 65 food items mostly pasta and pasta sauce were divided among the 3 food banks in Barber County.

Officer Training Photos

Below are photos of each of our training breakout sessions. Thank you to Tommy Hudson, Janell Goodno, Sue Marshall, Tammy Lonker, Yvonne Burden and Paula Doman for giving their time to start the year off on the right foot.

A special thank you to all the parents and volutneers who helped to judge the record books from another county while the kids were learning.


Treasurers Secretaries

Reporters Song Leaders

Recreation Leaders

4-H Achievement Banquet

Alumni Awards

Friends of 4-H

Crops Judging

Meats Judging

State Fair Results

Kansas Junior Livestock Show

Dog Project Meeting

Officer Training Photos


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