Upcoming Dates

November 5 Achievement Banquet @ Hardtner School

November 5 4-H Council Meeting

November 28 Dog Project Meeting

December 1 Deadline for Returning Members to Join & Be Eligible to show at Barber County Fair

January 31 Barber County 4-H Foundation Scholarship Due

February 1 Registration deadline for Citizenship in Action

February 10 Deadline for BCCA Scholarship Applications

March 1 Deadline for Market Beef Tagging (County Fair)

May 1 New Member Enrollment Deadline to show at the County Fair

May 1 Drop & Add Project Deadline for ALL Members

May 1 Horse Papers Deadline

May 6 Deadline for Breeding Beef and Small Animal Tagging (County Fair)

July 27-30 Barber County Fair

4-H Council Meeting

The next 4-H Council Meeting is on Saturday, November 5, 2022, following the Achievement Banquet. Discussion about a Fundraiser and Club Days will be on the agenda.

Achievement Banquet

Details on Achievement Banquet. Awards will be posted here afterwards.

Crops Judging Team

Congratulations to the Barber County 4-H Crops Judging Teams!

Meats Judging Team

Congratulations to the Barber County Meats Judging Team!

Congratulations to State Fair Participants

Here is a list of all of the State Fair Building Exhibitors. Congratulations on sending your exhibits to the State Fair.

KJLS Participants

Congrantions to those showing at KJLS this year.

Dog Project Meetings

The Dog project has a meeting scheduled for November with your dogs.

Officer Training

A successful community service project and officer training photos.

Details on Enrolling in 4-H

Check out all of the details on enrolling in 4-H for new or returning members.

Social Media

Facebook, YouTube, and Spotify, oh my!

4-H Achievement Banquet

Alumni Awards

Friends of 4-H

Crops Judging

Meats Judging

State Fair Results

Kansas Junior Livestock Show

Dog Project Meeting

Officer Training Photos


Social Media

Reporter's Corner

Upcoming Dates